Do all Cyberpunk endings end with V dying?

Posted by Larita Shotwell on Sunday, September 8, 2024

In the end, Cyberpunk 2077’s protagonist V’s fate is determined by the player, with one unavoidable caveat: if V survives Cyberpunk, they only have six months to live due to the Relic.

Does V survive in any cyberpunk ending?

V never concretely escapes their fate, but despite the looming tragedy, V can manage to secure a happy ending – or at least the closest thing to a happy ending that exists in the dark Cyberpunk 2077 universe.

Do you end up dying in cyberpunk?

Of the five basic endings (including the not-so-secret one), V dies in two. It’s assumed that V will die in the near future in the other three.

Can Johnny and V both live?

After this mission is complete, you’ll have a choice: have V return to their body, or let Johnny take full (and permanent) control. To get this ending, choose V. They return to their body, but only with six months to live; while Johnny goes beyond the Blackwall to possibly survive in cyberspace.

Can you still play cyberpunk after V dies?

Yes, you can free roam in Cyberpunk 2077 after the story. The game world is still open to explore, and you can complete side quests, gigs, and other activities.

What is the BEST ENDING to Cyberpunk 2077? (All Endings Ranked & Explained)

Which cyberpunk ending lets V live?

7 Take The Cure At The End Phantom Liberty

The only ending where V is guaranteed to live , but has to give up their life and identity in return.

Does V get cured in phantom liberty?

In the new ending that this path provides access to, V undergoes the surgery to cure their condition – unfortunately, far from the weeks that Reed promised the surgery would take, V is instead put into a coma for two years, coming back to the realization that Johnny is completely gone, most of their Night City friends …

Can V get Johnny’s arm?

To permanently equip Johnny Silverhand’s arm while playing V, players will first need to finish the side quest Chippin’ In. This side quest is essential to obtaining Cyberpunk 2077’s secret ending, and it’ll be assigned to V automatically after finishing the main quest Tapeworm.

Who is stronger V or Johnny?

1 V – Vincent Or Valerie, (The Player Character)

V can defeat every fighter from the Beat on the Brat side gig and all the cyberpsychos in the game. They also managed something Johnny Silverhand couldn’t do, which is killing Adam Smasher.

Why does V only have 6 months to live in cyberpunk?

Eventually, V has to make a choice of signing a contract, as they only have 6 months to live due to the relic’s effect on their body. If they sign the contract, their consciousness gets put into Mikoshi with the potential chance of coming back.

Can V live longer than 6 months?

If V does all of the side missions with the Aldecaldos and Panam before meeting Hanako in Embers, they will have an option where they ask for the Aldecaldos’ help. After a series of missions where they raid Arasaka tower, V eventually connects into cyberspace and learns that they only have 6 months to live.

Does V get killed by Dex?

Dexter was furious that V had brought so much heat on him, and personally killed V and had their body dumped. Unaware to him, this inadvertently triggered the Relic inside of V, resurrecting them but causing an engram of Johnny Silverhand to slowly overwrite their psyche.

Which ending does V live?

After the mission is complete, the player faces the choice between letting Johnny or V keep the body. To get this ending, choose V. You’ll then play through the epilogue, where V has taken Rogue’s place as the Queen (or King) of Afterlife, as well as a very high-end merc job and swanky apartment to match.

How long does V live after Cyberpunk?

In the end, Cyberpunk 2077’s protagonist V’s fate is determined by the player, with one unavoidable caveat: if V survives Cyberpunk, they only have six months to live due to the Relic.

Can V keep his body Cyberpunk?

Once completed, Johnny is left with a choice: give V’s body back or keep it for himself. Keeping the body results in the same ending, but giving it back to V results in legendary status comparable to a certain Netwatch Netdriver MK.

How long does V have to live?

After a series of missions where they raid Arasaka tower, V eventually connects into cyberspace and learns that they only have 6 months to live.

Should I give Johnny my body?

Once completed, Johnny is left with a choice: give V’s body back or keep it for himself. Keeping the body results in the same ending, but giving it back to V results in legendary status comparable to a certain Netwatch Netdriver MK. 5 Cyberdeck across Night City.

Could V beat Adam Smasher?

V kills him because the players needs to be able to kill him in the first place. I mean, I wouldn’t say David had no chance. Adam Smasher isn’t a god and even he’ll go down to a well placed, high enough caliber bullet, and there’s no power levels that say whoever has the higher number wins always period.

Does V ever get rid of Johnny?

One of the darkest endings in Cyberpunk 2077 comes when V decides to follow the Arasaka path. If V chooses to trust Hanako, they will take the Omega Blockers and have Johnny disappear for a while.

Where is Johnny Silverhand’s body?

During the major Side Job, Chippin’ In, you’ll go looking for Johnny’s grave at an Oil Field that’s located just on the outskirts of Night City, in the Badlands.

What happens if you give V’s body to Johnny?

Like the previous ending, if you let Johnny have your body, he’ll return to Earth and mop up a few final mini-quests as V before leaving Night City for a fresh start.

How old is rogue cyberpunk?

Rogue’s age is unknown, but she was already an active participant in the story in 2013 Night City. Since she had to at least be in her early 20s then, this would make her well over 80 years old by Cyberpunk 2077’s present day.

Did V become Cyberpsycho?

Cyberpsychosis is characterized by uncontrolled aggressive behavior. V is in charge of their actions. Are they a psychophat/sociopath/delusional? It’s possible, but they are definitely not a cyberpsycho.

What is the true ending of Cyberpunk 2077?

“Don’t Fear The Reaper” is the secret ending of Cyberpunk 2077, and it only becomes available if V’s relationship with Johnny is around 70% or higher. An easy way to get a huge affinity boost is to pick the following dialogue options as V when speaking to Johnny on the oil fields: “Nah, I **** up that too.”

What happens after V dies Cyberpunk?

V takes over the Afterlife and becomes a legend in Night City. V ends up alone, but the whole city knows their name, and in the end, they set off on one final mission: a heist of the Crystal Palace Casino, on behalf of a client who claims they can save V’s life.
