As the Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber drama continues to take over social media, fans of the former have done their best to dig through the secrets of the model online. As videos of the Rhode skincare founder seemingly copying the singer are going viral online, others are curious about her Brazilian lineage.
The drama between Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber started off when the former posted a TikTok video where she revealed that she accidentally over-laminated her eyebrows. Hours later, Kylie Jenner and Hailey Bieber posted a screenshot of their eyebrows which fans perceived as a dig against the Same Old Love singer.
For those unversed, Selena Gomez was in a tumultuous on-and-off relationship with Hailey's now husband, Justin Bieber, between 2010 and 2018. Fans believe that the Baby singer is still hung up on Gomez.
Now, ardent Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber fans have jumped on the Hailey Bieber hate bandwagon and are relentlessly trolling her across social media platforms. Some have also expressed disappointment in the model being of Brazilian lineage.
Where was Hailey Bieber born?
Hailey Rhode Bieber was born in Tucson, Arizona, and was born to graphic designer Kennya Baldwin and actor Stephen Baldwin. According to Ethniceleb, her mother is Brazilian and is also partly Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian. Meanwhile, her father is English, Irish, Scottish, French-Canadian and German.
Speaking about her ancestry, Hailey Bieber has confirmed in the past that she was:
“Brazilian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Scottish, Irish, Cherokee Indian, and French Canadian!”However, no proof of the model’s Cherokee Native American ancestry has been found online.
Hailey has shared her love for Brazil on Instagram in the past. While touring with her husband Bieber in Brazil, she posted a series of pictures of her enjoying the country’s culture.
She sported a yellow and green crop top, mimicking the country’s flag. The carousel of images she posted online also included traditional Brazilian dishes including Brigadeiros and Feijoada.
Hailey has also been the cover girl for Vogue Brazil.
As netizens continue to grow curious about the model’s personal life, she has been accused of being racist.
In an Instagram live alongside Justin Bieber, the duo made fun of Italians and Mexicans. Justin claimed that he looked like “Fidel Castro” and a “Cuban Drug lord.” Hailey also made a crude Italian impression by saying “Give me the money” and “it’s a me, Mario,” with a pinched finger gesture.
This is just one instance of the model being accused of racism. Gomez fans claim that the 26-year-old model deleted her Twitter account entirely due to a series of racist tweets that she has posted in the past.
As the drama between Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber continues to unravel, the latter’s stylist Von Ford recently took to his Instagram story and wrote “I hate Selena Gomez.”
Fans of the Rare Beauty founder were livid and ensured to get his post shut down on Instagram. After the post was removed, he attached a message on Instagram saying that the post had been removed for violating its community standards along with a statement by him which read- “I said what I said!”
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