Jeff Van Gundy, one of the all-time great NBA on-air game analysts, has been let go of ESPN, as part of the continuing layoffs that have hit the company.
According to Andrew Marchand of the New York Post, Jeff Van Gundy is one of approximately 20 on-air personalities who have been let go in an effort to save money. Even though Van Gundy's salary isn't known, he has 'made millions', per the Post. He has a net worth of $16M.

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Disney and ESPN's decision to part ways with several employees, longtime executives and on-air personalities, is part of the company's effort to save as much as $5.5 billion.
ESPN is cutting several personalities who make at least seven-figures a year in an effort to save some of the "behind-the-scenes" people. Jeff Van Gundy is part of that list, earning at least $1M per year. The official contract details are unknown, but it is widely known that he was earning millions for his contributions to ESPN.
“Jeff Van Gundy is a stunner. He was making millions. He and [Mike] Breen are the most watchable on ESPN’s NBA coverage,” a source told FOS.A few top names, who are expected to stay with the company, have emerged as candidates to replace Van Gundy. These names are former NBA players JJ Redick and Richard Jefferson, as well as Doris Burke.
Additionally, Doc Rivers, who shares a close relationship with Mike Breen, could be a choice, particularly if his salary demands align with what the Philadelphia 76ers still owe him, following his dismissal as their coach a few weeks ago.
What teams Jeff Van Gundy has coached in his career?
Before joining ESPN, Van Gundy had a successful career as an NBA coach. He served as an assistant on the New York Knicks bench from 1989 to 1996, working under Stu Jackson, Pat Riley and Don Nelson.
He then took on the role of head coach for the Knicks from 1996 to 2002, a period that holds a special place in the hearts of the franchise's fans. Van Gundy later coached the Houston Rockets from 2003 to 2007, further solidifying his reputation in the basketball world.
Earlier in the season, he was linked with a move to the Rockets and was considered a candidate to take over and replace Stephen Silas. However, Houston made the decision to appoint former Boston Celtics coach Ime Udoka to orchestrate the franchise's effort to return to playoff contention.
In his first coaching job since leaving the Rockets in 2007, Van Gundy was selected as the head coach of the senior United States men's national basketball team leading the U.S. to the gold medal at the 2017 FIBA AmeriCup. He also helped coach the national team qualify for the 2019 FIBA Basketball World Cup in China.
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