Who is stronger Darkseid or Trigon?

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Thursday, August 22, 2024
He's never really had to fight against a force like Trigon in the comic continuity one on one. The two are really incomparable; they're different kinds of power. That said: because Darkseid can't be killed, and because his Omega Beams can banish their target where he pleases, I think Darkseid wins.

Who has defeated Trigon?

The Titans and Slade launch an all-out assault on Trigon, but he quickly defeats them. In the end, it is Raven (in her White form) that defeats Trigon using her own strengthened mystical abilities of pure light to obliterate Trigon, undoing the destruction he had caused in the process.

Why did Trigon fight Darkseid?

Having taken over Superman's body and getting rid of the liquid Kryptonite that left him de-powered, Trigon turns his attention to Darkseid, interested in fighting him to see how powerful a New God is. The two begin fighting as Trigon quickly gains the upper hand.

Who is stronger Trigon or Darkseid true form?

Trigon would be able to defeat Darkseid in his basic form from Prime-Earth. As a demon, he has more abilities than Darkseid, whose main weapon – the Omega Beam – would lose a lot of its powers against Trigon. On the other hand, Darkseid's True Form would eliminate Trigon in a moment.

Is Trigon the most powerful?

A demon created from pure evil, Trigon is one of the most powerful creatures in all of the DC mythos. His long list of abilities includes immortality, telekinesis, matter transmutation and manipulation, super strength, invulnerability, reality warping, and size shifting.

Darkseid vs Trigon - Who would win?

Can Constantine beat Trigon?

In the finale issue of DC Comics' DCeased: Dead Planet, John Constantine did the most surprising thing he's ever done: he actually saved the world as a legitimate hero, sacrificing himself while battling the demon lord Trigon in one of the most epic magical battles of all time.

Who would win Trigon or Galactus?

Seeing how he has a wider array of powers than Galactus, Trigon would win in this fight, if it were to happen. On top of that, he would be able to manipulate the fact that Galactus would start losing energy after a while – due to not eating – and use it to his advantage to win in the fight.

Can Trigon beat Thanos?

His abilities include immortality, invulnerability, and even telekinesis. The more people he kills, the stronger he gets. Even with the gauntlet, Thanos wouldn't come close to defeating Trigon.

Who would win Trigon or Thanos?

He has superior feats and statements. Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet was still only a universal tier reality warper. Trigon is vastly superior to that, as he originates from outside the traditional DC universes, and is a vastly superior being when it comes to being "multi-dimensional".

Can Trigon beat Superman?

Superman has never beaten Trigon, and, in fact, Trigon is one of the few DC villains who has never been defeated by a member of the Justice League.

Who is the most powerful DC villain?

Darkseid is the most powerful villain in the DCEU so far, but he has a lot of competition for the most powerful villains in DC Comics.
10 Most Powerful DC Comics Villains

  • 1 Anti-Monitor. Darkseid seeks to control life.
  • 2 Darkseid. ...
  • 3 Superboy-Prime. ...
  • 4 Eclipso. ...
  • 5 Joker. ...
  • 6 Parallax. ...
  • 7 Ares. ...
  • 8 Circe. ...
  • Can Trigon beat Superman Prime?

    Superman one million will win because trigon is just a universal being but superman one million is multiversal being and as all knows that multiversal beings are powerful than any universal beings, so superman one million is far more powerful than trigon.

    Is doomsday stronger than Darkseid?

    beyond death." It's clear from their battle that Doomsday is the ultimate world-ending threat of DC's universe, given that he is easily able to defeat and nearly kill Darkseid.

    Who is more powerful Trigon or surtur?

    Originally Answered: Who would win in a death battle, Surtur or Trigon? Trigon.

    Can Scorpion beat Trigon?

    Scorpion eventually defeats Trigon, taking control of his demon army.

    Who is stronger Raven or Trigon?

    1. Raven. It's well documented that Raven isn't just the most powerful character in the Teen Titans but she's also one of the most powerful in DC. Raven inherited her power from her father, Trigon.

    Can Hulk defeat Trigon?

    9 WOULD LOSE TO: Trigon

    The Hulk could get as mad as he wants, but against someone of Trigon's power it wouldn't matter. His ability to manipulate reality alone could take out the Hulk in a matter of seconds.

    Can Galactus beat Thanos?

    9 The Living Tribunal Dwarfs The Infinity Gems

    He simply "turns off" the Infinity Gems and commands the respect of every other cosmic level deity in Marvel. Characters such as Galactus and Eternity bend to his whim without question. No power in the multiverse could give Thanos the edge he would need.

    Who wins Thanos or Superman?

    In a straight-up brawl, Superman would likely win pretty handily. Thanos is certainly no slouch, having taken out two powerful marvel heroes with one slap, but Superman's strength outclasses almost everyone the Mad Titan has ever fought, and the kryptonian has too many tricks up his sleeve for Thanos to counter.

    Which MCU character can defeat Darkseid?

    Marvel has several Superman analogs, and the most powerful is Hyperion. There have been several versions of Hyperion over the years, but the most formidable is the one who joined the Avengers and helped them battle against threats like Thanos and the Beyonders. That Hyperion would be able to defeat Darkseid.

    Can Raven beat Thanos?

    As the daughter of Trigon, Raven has immense magical power, which she uses augment her arsenal of magical and psychic and abilities. Specifically, it is her telekinetic and telepathic abilities that make her so formidable, and who knows how her soul-self astral projection might fare against Thanos.

    Which DC hero can beat Thanos?

    1 The Spectre Would Flawlessly Defeat Thanos

    The Spectre is easily the most powerful hero on Earth and possibly in the entire DC Multiverse.

    Who is the most powerful in DC?

    The 15 Most Powerful DC Characters, Ranked

    • Doctor Manhattan. Image via Warner Bros.
    • Eclipso. Image via DC Comics. ...
    • Superman. Image via HBO Max/Warner Bros. ...
    • Lex Luthor. Image via DC Comics. ...
    • Darkseid. Image via HBO Max. ...
    • Wonder Woman. Image via Warner Bros. ...
    • Shazam. Image via DC Comics. ...
    • Doctor Fate. Image via DC Comics. ...

    Who is stronger dormammu or Galactus?

    Galactus would easily defeat Dormammu outside the Dark Dimension, but it turns out that even on Dormammu's turf, he retains his power and has the means to grow even stronger.

    Is Galactus stronger than Darkseid?

    1 Winner: Darkseid

    None of that will stop Galactus though and Darkseid will deploy his greatest power, the Omega Beams. As powerful as Galactus is, Darkseid is a god and his Omega Beams will mean the end of the Devourer of Worlds.
